Monday 30 April 2012


I have gained an obsession with pictures recently. I take them wherever i go.They are really important to me. They are links to the past, evidence of the fun times i have had. Without pictures, memories which may have been forgotten are instead captured within the borders of the frame.
You may experience bad times, but its the pictures which remind you of all the good ones you've had. When i feel down, i look through pictures with my friends in them, my family, and remember how good things can be.
Yesterday, i got a load of pictures printed off and today i posted them all up on a wall in a collage. Its next to my bed so that when i lie down i can look at them and remember my favourite memories.
Moral of this story: TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES!

Monday 16 April 2012


The sky just coming up over the horizon here on east coast :)

Thursday 12 April 2012

ANOTHA Sky picture!

One i took on my way home again. I have taken a lot of pictures from this spot as whenever i pass it after school, the sun is always setting so brilliantly. Tried out a different effect on this camera app i have on my ipod. Not sure if i prefer it to the higher quality pictures but its nice in its own way :D

Monday 9 April 2012

The Jitter Bites

Nooooo!!! I was JUST getting out of that bad habit! Okay, you wont understand what im talking about so here it is. I have the TERRIBLE habit of biting my nails. It started when i was a kid i think. You know how in cartoons you see characters chewing off their nails like lawn mowers and the nails start flying about when they are nervous? Well, i did it as a joke when i was a kid. I remember the first time in primary school. We were playing bull dog and i was one of the last people left. I was at the end of the room and as a joke to show how nervous i was i started biting my nails. From then it became a natural bad habit. Its been about 10 years now. I have tried TONNES of things to stop! The most disgusting of which was a nail polish (yes i know, its weird, a guy wearing nail polish) which tasted HORRIBLE! I'd bite my nails then get this god awful taste in my mouth. It stopped me for a few months, but eventually... (embarrassed to say).... i got used to the taste. Lol
So anyways, now i have been trying to stop through sheer will power. For a long time now i have stopped biting but recently i watched a film. I think it was Wrath Of The Titans and i just couldnt help biting. Once out of the cinema i realized what i'd done and was TERRIBLY disappointed in myself. I had stopped since then and had been growing them back. They were JUST starting to come out again but i don't know why, about half an hour ago i couldnt help the compulsive NEED to chew them all off. I got 1, then i thought i should even out same finger on my other hand, then i thought it looked weird having just 1 short so i chewed off a few more to even it out, until eventually they were ALL GONE!!!
Lol so disappointing.

From Alex

Wednesday 4 April 2012


Does anyone else find it annoying? When guys go to watch a movie together, and something supposed to be "scary" happens they all laugh loud and talk about it. As if to say "Pfft, im not scared of something stupid like that!". Or if something in a romantic scene happens they laugh at it not to seem sappy in front of their friends. Its annoying. You're here to watch a movie guys, no ones judging you. Geez...

Happened in the cinema today to me. Was watching "The Hunger Games" (for the second time) with my brother, mum and dad, and there were these 3 guys next to me. When the dog monsters attacked and were chasing after Katniss and Peeta the guys next to me were just laughing and saying how stupid this was.

I GET IT GUYS! You want everyone around you to know you're not scared! Well good for you, no one else is either, so just shut up and watch!
^(My inner thoughts)

My complaints for the start of a new month. Hope you enjoyed :)