Monday 9 April 2012

The Jitter Bites

Nooooo!!! I was JUST getting out of that bad habit! Okay, you wont understand what im talking about so here it is. I have the TERRIBLE habit of biting my nails. It started when i was a kid i think. You know how in cartoons you see characters chewing off their nails like lawn mowers and the nails start flying about when they are nervous? Well, i did it as a joke when i was a kid. I remember the first time in primary school. We were playing bull dog and i was one of the last people left. I was at the end of the room and as a joke to show how nervous i was i started biting my nails. From then it became a natural bad habit. Its been about 10 years now. I have tried TONNES of things to stop! The most disgusting of which was a nail polish (yes i know, its weird, a guy wearing nail polish) which tasted HORRIBLE! I'd bite my nails then get this god awful taste in my mouth. It stopped me for a few months, but eventually... (embarrassed to say).... i got used to the taste. Lol
So anyways, now i have been trying to stop through sheer will power. For a long time now i have stopped biting but recently i watched a film. I think it was Wrath Of The Titans and i just couldnt help biting. Once out of the cinema i realized what i'd done and was TERRIBLY disappointed in myself. I had stopped since then and had been growing them back. They were JUST starting to come out again but i don't know why, about half an hour ago i couldnt help the compulsive NEED to chew them all off. I got 1, then i thought i should even out same finger on my other hand, then i thought it looked weird having just 1 short so i chewed off a few more to even it out, until eventually they were ALL GONE!!!
Lol so disappointing.

From Alex

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