Monday 17 September 2012

Christmas Strawberries

I thought you'd like these Tilly <3


Again, its not so visible, but Alfred, you are awesome. End of discussion

The Culprit Has Been Found!

I'd buy this. I really would.


I don't know.... IS it cute? Its just so small.... and the EYES.... Opinions on cuteness level out of 10? I'd give you a nine my friend!

Good Samaritan

Just a good person mending the neighborhood. Good on you lads!

Robot Tea Dispenser

God I want this so bad.... Its so COOL!!!!

Another Perspective Illusion

T'is Inception!
You cant really see it though, the image was saved too small. What a shame.... ITS PRETTY AWESOME THOUGH! xD

Sunday 2 September 2012

Apple Pie

This apple pie was delicious! Didn't taste too sour nor were the apples too hard. It was perfect. Couldnt finish though, ate too much before hand. Was a shame... Got my brother to help scoff it down xD

Thursday 30 August 2012

Bean Soup

I know i dont usually do food stuff, but seeing this made me want to make it xD

It looks APPEALING and quite simple to make. Will give it a try one day

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Something Growing...

For the past couple of weeks, i have watched something been growing on the path i take to school every morning and on the way home. I thought it was a bit of animal poo at first, yeah, i know, its gross to be watching this everyday, but... its just something i noticed! Anyway, so yeah, there was a bit of poo, or mud, or whatever it was, and for the past few weeks i have been watching it. It hasnt been washed away or anything either. So anyway, recently... it has started to grow fur out of it.... :/

Lol, here it is:
Not a great picture, but it was taken with my ipod so you cant blame me! xD

Bus Travels

Six buses piling up one after another. None of them were mine.... This was in the morning. Then on the way home....
Ps: Bus 31 was mine....


A package for me. Was very exciting, i never get packages. Well, actually... it wasnt TECHNICALLY for me. I got it for a friend. But.... IT STILL CAME TO ME!!! Whatever! xD

Monday 20 August 2012


Too... Many... Skittles...
Puking... Rainbows... 
So... Pretty....

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Too Long / England

First of all, it has been MUCH too long since i posted anything here. I have wanted to, yet at the same time dreaded putting anything here. It all kind of started originally cause i lost my Ipod a couple of months ago. My ipod was what i took pictures with which was what i posted here. FOR THE MOST PART. But, i guess i could and would have carried on posting here. Maybe at the time i would have posted ABOUT losing my ipod. But then, sadly... DEVASTATINGLY... my computer broke down too. After that i lost ALL motivation to post anything. To do anything which was related to my broken and lost items. Even now i am still trying to pick up the pieces of what has been lost between both my ipod and computer. LOTS of it!

So yes, after that, i took a trip to England. My first time traveling by myself and i REALLY enjoyed it. First of all i went to meet my cousins in London. I stayed with my uncle for a few days and visited a couple of cool places. Went to Camden Market and brought a couple of souvenirs and gifts first of all. Its a REALLY cool place! I love it down there.

This picture is of a market just a short walk from the ACTUAL Camden markets. I personally preferred this one
After that i headed to the national history museum just to look around. Didnt buy anything or do much. Just looked around the exhibits. It was cool. Not FUN. But cool :D

The first thing you see when you walk through the doors. It is quite impressive.

The next few days i didnt do much. Visited Brent Cross, hung out with my cousin Alvyn. Got down to some hard labour cleaning out their giant fish tank and moving it across their new and improved back yard to a shed. That was MURDEROUS xD

Anyways, after my few days in London, i took a train over to Bristol to meet my brother and his new niece. Shes so CUTE! Heres a picture of her:

Shes 9 months old now and she is JUST learning how to crawl! Oh the cuteness!!! xD
My brother took me around to visit some prospective Universities which was a lot of fun. I really like University of Bristol itself. The city is so nice, the layout of the university too, spread out across the central city. Its just such a nice PLACE! Also visited University of Bath too. Thats a really beautiful little city as well. I prefer University of Bristol, but Bath is nice too.

That was my main objective when visiting England. Just to look at universities, and find one which really motivates me to work hard. Which Bristol has. I think another factor was the thought that i would be able to hang out with my brother too. There is a large age gap between us because he is a child from my fathers previous relationship and so, as a kid, i never really got to hang out with him much and i like the thought of being able to if i were to go to Bristol.

My brother and Little Lyra. Not the best picture, but it was a fun memory climbing this tower and getting a view of the whole of Bristol :D
I think my brother also got me hooked on coffee a bit. Wherever we went he would ask if we could stop for a quick coffee. I have never been much of a fan of coffee before, but after getting used to the strong taste, i have really grown to like it. He also took me to quite a few pubs which was a lot of fun :D

Anyway, 2 weeks over there passed too fast and i was on a train back to London to catch a flight back. In the brief 2 days i spent back there, i hung out with my cousin some more and traveled around a bit. On the last night, my uncle took me and my cousin out for dinner at a nice Chinese restaurant. After that he went home and my cousin and i went to pick up his girlfriend. From there, we went to Chinatown and had a drink at a gay bar where my cousin got hit on. WHILE he was with his girlfriend! That was funny xD
An embarrassing thing though is that, when i drink, my eyes go blood shot. I mean REALLY blood shot. It looks so bad! Sometimes it doesn't happen but when it does it is SCARY looking. However i am a right laugh when i do get a drop of alcohol in me so no one worries :D

So yes, that concludes my trip summary. Altogether, it has inspired me to work hard to get into the university i want, and also has installed in me a passion to travel. Next time i want to go backpacking across europe with a friend. That would be the best trip. All i need now is a travel partner...

Friday 1 June 2012


Its nice receiving texts. It lets you know people are thinking about you xD

Sunday 20 May 2012

Saturday 19 May 2012

Jurong Bird Park

Been volunteering at the Jurong Bird Park conservation reserve. I loooooove it. The birds are amazingly cool, i'm not confident in guiding people around and trying to inform them, but i REALLY enjoy going around looking at the birds. The Lorry Loft is amazing! Walking around in the tree tops with the birds constantly flying around you, its fantastic!

I just passed the test yesterday, so that means i'm going to be signing up for duties every now and then to help out in guiding people around and teaching them about the new breeding and research center :D

Its QUITE exciting!

Two Parrots in the Lorry Loft. They ended up squabbling over a piece of food :D

Its all ESPECIALLY fun because of this amazingly wonderful girl whom i so completely love!

Thursday 10 May 2012

Wrote this a LONG time ago for you...

To start off,
I Love everything about you!
Your clumsiness,
Your fierceness,
Your stubbornness,
Your kindness,
Your teasing streak,
Your sense of humour,
Your shyness,

You are stunningly beautiful and you make my blood race whenever I see you.
I cant stand being apart from you. I feel that when I am, the other half of me is missing. I'm just not whole without you.
When I'm upset, you are always there to make me feel better. When I am happy, I just want to share it with you. 
You are on my mind constantly. Every thought that crosses my mind links back to you.

You are My Tilly, My Little Goat, My Tilbo, My Blush, and My Love.

After meeting you, my life has just gotten so much better.

I love you Tilly. You cannot begin to imagine how much! Sometimes I feel that I am too obsessed and that I really am weird. But this is what you are to me. An addiction, and I Love you.

Your one and only, 
Bunny <3

Monday 30 April 2012


I have gained an obsession with pictures recently. I take them wherever i go.They are really important to me. They are links to the past, evidence of the fun times i have had. Without pictures, memories which may have been forgotten are instead captured within the borders of the frame.
You may experience bad times, but its the pictures which remind you of all the good ones you've had. When i feel down, i look through pictures with my friends in them, my family, and remember how good things can be.
Yesterday, i got a load of pictures printed off and today i posted them all up on a wall in a collage. Its next to my bed so that when i lie down i can look at them and remember my favourite memories.
Moral of this story: TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES!

Monday 16 April 2012


The sky just coming up over the horizon here on east coast :)

Thursday 12 April 2012

ANOTHA Sky picture!

One i took on my way home again. I have taken a lot of pictures from this spot as whenever i pass it after school, the sun is always setting so brilliantly. Tried out a different effect on this camera app i have on my ipod. Not sure if i prefer it to the higher quality pictures but its nice in its own way :D

Monday 9 April 2012

The Jitter Bites

Nooooo!!! I was JUST getting out of that bad habit! Okay, you wont understand what im talking about so here it is. I have the TERRIBLE habit of biting my nails. It started when i was a kid i think. You know how in cartoons you see characters chewing off their nails like lawn mowers and the nails start flying about when they are nervous? Well, i did it as a joke when i was a kid. I remember the first time in primary school. We were playing bull dog and i was one of the last people left. I was at the end of the room and as a joke to show how nervous i was i started biting my nails. From then it became a natural bad habit. Its been about 10 years now. I have tried TONNES of things to stop! The most disgusting of which was a nail polish (yes i know, its weird, a guy wearing nail polish) which tasted HORRIBLE! I'd bite my nails then get this god awful taste in my mouth. It stopped me for a few months, but eventually... (embarrassed to say).... i got used to the taste. Lol
So anyways, now i have been trying to stop through sheer will power. For a long time now i have stopped biting but recently i watched a film. I think it was Wrath Of The Titans and i just couldnt help biting. Once out of the cinema i realized what i'd done and was TERRIBLY disappointed in myself. I had stopped since then and had been growing them back. They were JUST starting to come out again but i don't know why, about half an hour ago i couldnt help the compulsive NEED to chew them all off. I got 1, then i thought i should even out same finger on my other hand, then i thought it looked weird having just 1 short so i chewed off a few more to even it out, until eventually they were ALL GONE!!!
Lol so disappointing.

From Alex

Wednesday 4 April 2012


Does anyone else find it annoying? When guys go to watch a movie together, and something supposed to be "scary" happens they all laugh loud and talk about it. As if to say "Pfft, im not scared of something stupid like that!". Or if something in a romantic scene happens they laugh at it not to seem sappy in front of their friends. Its annoying. You're here to watch a movie guys, no ones judging you. Geez...

Happened in the cinema today to me. Was watching "The Hunger Games" (for the second time) with my brother, mum and dad, and there were these 3 guys next to me. When the dog monsters attacked and were chasing after Katniss and Peeta the guys next to me were just laughing and saying how stupid this was.

I GET IT GUYS! You want everyone around you to know you're not scared! Well good for you, no one else is either, so just shut up and watch!
^(My inner thoughts)

My complaints for the start of a new month. Hope you enjoyed :)

Saturday 31 March 2012


As you will know (hopefully) it was earth day recently and at my school a competition was held. A group of maximum 5 people had to gather a load of recycled goods and create a structure (over 1 meter tall) which could be moved about without breaking. My friends and i joined up and we got a TONNE of cool stuff together. The most organized team! We had half an hour to create something and we had decided before hand that we would make a robot. When the clock started we got STRAIGHT to work. I personally did not do much. Gave ideas, created the arms and... basically nothing else. But it WAS A LOT OF FUN!!! Lol and this is what we created. Quite cool right?
Was a first prize winner! You can see my geography teacher in the reflection of the window too :D

A Cuppa' Sweets

Tuesday 27 March 2012


Got caught in the rain on the way home after school today, got SOAKED. Was fun, it started when i got off the MRT. A light spray of it was floating on the wind off the tracks to me. When i got out of the station and to the bus stop was when i got the first big splash. Getting out from under the bus stop onto the actual bus was about a meter wide gap. As soon as i stepped out into the rain hoping to jump in, two old ladies walked out and got in the way so i had to wait in the rain for them to slowly shuffle on board. Then, once i got off the bus, i had to walk the roughly 200 meters to my block. Without an umbrella. No shelter....

Was a lot of fun :)

Friday 23 March 2012

The Hunger Games

Anyone who hasn't seen this film or read the books i HIGHLY recommend you do. I have read 2 out of 3 of the books so far and just watched the film today which was AMAZING! Usually a film is not able to capture a books story and plot as well and they muff it up, however, i believe this was a great version of it from book to film. Great actors, directing, special effects, it was simply FANTASTIC! Will get it on dvd and watch a few more times :D

Thursday 15 March 2012


I love this picture. The sky was so cool on my way home today!

Wish List

I have many a thing on my wish list. Some of which are; Having a superpower(s), being successful in my future, having an awesome family of my own when im older, to be able to sing well, etc etc

But one of the most recent things i have been wishing for is a camera. a PROPER camera! Right now whenever i am out and about i take pictures with my ipod and i LOVE it! but, an ipod just doesnt have good enough quality. I take a picture of something i see and love but the camera just cant capture it properly. The quality of the photo isnt good.

Anyways, thats my random post for today :)

Thursday 8 March 2012


Today was horrible for me. First of all i woke up late when i was planning to get to school early to do some work. I was not late for school, if things went as planned i would still get there about an hour early. However my dad started pestering me asking me if i was going to be late, which again makes me realize how little he actually knows about my life. Even such a thing as when my school starts. This got me even more upset and stressed. Then on the way to the bus stop i realized something was wrong with my phone. The whole keypad had been changed. Its a small thing i know, but at the time, due to the stress, it just seemed terrible.
Once i got to the bus stop i sat down and waited for the bus which usually takes 5 to 10 minutes to arrive. I sat there for 25 minutes. By then i was freaking out in my head. Everything just seemed to be going wrong. When the bus DID finally get there i got on, went to my usual seat at the back, sat down, closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep as it usually takes about 40 minutes to get to school. i woke up about 15 minutes into the ride and had a mental breakdown. I had absolutely no idea where i was. I went up to the bus driver and asked why we weren't going to orchard. He then informed me "The bus routes changed last night lah!"
So, i gave up. I picked up my bags, got off at the next stop, and walked to the nearest mrt.

The reason i wanted to get to school early was to do the work i needed to do, then go ask a teacher for help on something i had no idea how to do. There was no time for that.
During the first lesson i virtually slept through it. During second period there was homework due which i had no idea was due in. During 3rd period i was in the class which had the homework due which i had no idea how to do. During 4th period there were CAS reflections which had been due earlier in the week which i had not completed so i had to do them while i was SUPPOSED to be working on a presentation.
Lunch and 5th period were the only breaks i got throughout the day. After school i then had to do a recording for the presentation which was due in 4th period which i REALLY did not want to do as my partner was irritating me to say the least.

However, throughout the day there was one person who stuck by me despite my stress and moodiness. Tilly. Thank you for always putting up with my craziness. You are the one thing keeping me from losing my mind. I love you.

Monday 5 March 2012

Perspective Illusions

Some pictures i came across which i really liked. The first and last are my favourite. The first because, well its just hilarious and the last because it seems so innocent but the picture is just really (sappy word coming up) beautiful.

Sunday 4 March 2012

Back To Work!

Lol i have not been here in a while and just decided to post a load of stuff. However i am SUPPOSED to be working as i have tonnes of things due in tomorrow at school... sigh... the internet is a students worst enemy...At times when you have to work. Apart from then its AMAZING!!!

Some Pictures I Took

All taken from my ipod so the quality is not great. I don't call myself a photographer but i would love to take a lesson in photography and get a PROPER camera. I love to take photos. Its so fun :D

Post More

I just realized, i have not been posting much here. Will try to do more.
One thing i did was go see Man On a Ledge. It was a really good film, i recommend everyone to go see it. Its about a cop who was accused by a powerful rich man of having stolen a precious diamond while he was meant to be guarding it. He was sent to jail and was sentenced to 25 years. He breaks out of custody and goes into hiding. Several months later he appears on a hotel ledge threatening to jump. I will not reveal any more but it is REALLY good :D

Cheer Up

I don't know why, i just feel really tired and depressed. This song always manages to cheer me up though.